CKC x BAD Tamagotchu
- 3PO
- A Way Out
- AR2
- Analog Dreams (/10)
- Atomi-gotchu (/1)
- Atomik Purple
- Bad & Boo (/10)
- Boba Fett
- Candy Ass (/10)
- Cloudy with a Chance of Trippin’ Balls
- Cursed Greg
- Cyberpunk Part 2
- Doomagotchu
- Droolshot (/10)
- Golden Shower
- Jawa-Na Man
- Naptime
- Pink Death
- Prototype (1/1)
- Stormtrooper
- Tamadolchi (/10)
- Tuzi Slide
- Two Lips One Organ
- Type Test
- Zebruh-gotchu (/5)