Home / Sludgekidd /
- (Unknown)
- Acid Spitter
- Blink (Black to Pink)
- Bloodsucker
- Brainchomper
- Carbonboi
- Carbonboi
- Caution Tape
- Chungo Bungo
- Cobalt Night
- Deep sea Sonar (GID)
- Dryblood
- Eyedrops
- Garbage Burglar
- Gorehunger
- Gorp Gummi
- Hyperchomp
- Hyperspace
- Leaking Lemon
- Nightcrawl
- Pep to item
- PinkFayde Chomp (Purple to Pink)
- Popsicle (Red to Yellow)
- Scud vision
- Stained teeth
- Sunburst
- Sushi destroyer
- Swamp ass
- Sweet tooth
- Three Dee (unreleased)
- Toxic Marble
- Toxkiwi
- Troubledboi
- Troubledboi chompy 2 (Test version) (unreleased)
- Watermeloné
- Yucky Boi
- Zorp!