- A Way Out
- Atomik Purple
- Bad and Boo (/10)
- Black Death
- Black Pearl Necklace (/10)
- Bookakkey (/3)
- Cloudy with a Chance of Trippin’ Balls
- Cookies ‘n’ Creampie
- Cursed Greg
- Cyberpunk Part 1
- Cyberpunk Part 1
- Cyberpunk Part 2
- Cyberspunk 2069
- Dark and Spunky (/10)
- Draped Up, Dripped Out (/5)
- Droolshot (/10)
- Duppy
- Frostbite
- Galactikkake (/7)
- Golden Shower
- I Know What You Did Last Cummer (/1)
- Lil Nicky (/12)
- Loadstone (/14)
- Majin Buukakkey (/11)
- Mookake (/7)
- Mr. Freeze (/13)
- Naptime
- Neonative (/7)
- OG (/10)
- Oh-Oh-Oh
- Omnombre
- Rainbow Party (/10)
- Raoul Dukkakey
- Spookkakey (/7)
- Sterling Splooger
- Tuzi Slide
- Two Lips One Organ
- Type Test